• "Not all those who wander are lost."

Time Travel

I recently went to a Smashing Pumpkins concert. Think what you will of the band, but I am a fan. In fact, going through my CD collection before the show, which is pretty weak since the advent of the iTunes, I counted six Pumpkins discs.  Admittedly, all but one was purchased in the 1990s and … Continue reading

Notes from the N-Z

Jon and I are hanging out in Te Anau, New Zealand killing a couple of hours before we take off for the start of the Milford Track, a 4-day backpacking trip through Fiordland National Park in New Zealand’s South Island.  We’ve only been in New Zealand about four days, but so far I’m loving it! The scenery … Continue reading

Wild Mozambique

The sun beat down on us as we waited single-file outside the border crossing administration building. A hint of a cool breeze played with our senses in the brutal humidity appearing and disappearing while a man dressed in a dark blue military uniform walked down the line of us, collecting our passports. We were crossing … Continue reading

Long Flight Survival Guide

There’s really no good way to take a 14-hour flight. However, there are a few things I’ve learned over the years that help to minimize the torture of sitting in the economy cabin for pretty much all your waking hours of the day. First, seat selection is of the utmost importance. I cannot stress this … Continue reading

Sunrise over Torres del Paine

A memory from Chile… As the alarm shouted out 4 a.m., Jon and I woke to the fifth and last day of our backpacking trip in Chile’s Torres del Paine National Park, a windswept wilderness known as Patagonia.  Despite the early wake-up call and my aching– well aching everything– adrenaline took over.  Our mission: scramble … Continue reading

The View from my Room

I once had an apartment in Paris. I didn’t own it. I just lived in it. And technically it wasn’t even really in Paris, but Issy les Moulineaux. It was just a step outside of 15tharrondissement, so I guess I was technically in the suburbs. But I was a short walk from the last stop … Continue reading

Tip of the Week: Never Pay Full Price

There are a number of ways to score discounted plane tickets. If you are planning ahead, it’s helpful to sign up for fare- watcher programs, like Travelocity’s Fare Watcher Plus. These programs allow you to choose multiple destinations and set pricing perimeters.  They will then notify you when prices drop, or of special/ limited time … Continue reading

Weekend Away: Sea Ranch, California

When my cousin mentioned that she was renting a house in the Sea Ranch over the President’s Holiday and asked if Jon and I wanted to come along, I jumped at the chance. Not only did we have a three day weekend, but the forecast was surprisingly sunny for a mid-February weekend and I was … Continue reading

Booking the Milford Track

Jon and I are hiking the Milford Track in April – a world-renowned, four – day, 33- mile backpacking trip through New Zealand’s Fiorland National Park. To hike the Milford – sometimes referred to as the “finest walk in the world”— one must book months in advance. Think of it as Yosemite over Memorial Day, … Continue reading

Perdone? Hiking Through South America When You Don’t Speak Spanish

El Calafate, Argentina This is yet another illustration of how my primary education fails me, or I failed my education. Either/ or, I wish I spoke Spanish. It would have come in handy when trying to navigate our way down to one of the southern most points in South America. Jon and I were on … Continue reading